Categories: SEO

Keyword research tool- Get more traffic to your site

Keyword Research: A website without traffic is like a vertebrate with no spine. Traffic is money. Getting good rankings in the search results is increasingly difficult, and in many cases impossible due to competition. If you are to compete against established, older sites, then you need to overcome their back links and high Page Rank.

That isn’t meant to discourage you from trying to compete in the internet marketing game, however. You can still succeed in a competitive market if you simply use a good quality keyword research tool. Such tools help uncover the high-profit, long-tail keywords. That is, a keyword phrase that is 3+ words long. They are usually less competitive than the smaller keyword phrases.

Since they are also very specific, you can gain targeted traffic from these keywords so long as your content delivers. The more words used in the search, then the more specific the information is they are looking for. If you deliver it, you can likely turn a profit.

A solid research tool will help you find low-compete, long-tail keyword phrases. Once you have the keywords, you can construct your content around them, and be able to compete against anyone, in any topic. The best sort of tools will cost a little money, compared to the amount of money many spend in trying to compete without these tools.

Use the keyword research tool when you have Pay Per Click marketing

If you’re like most marketers, you’ll be using Google AdWords in order to gain some traffic. If so, then you need one of these research tools in order to save some time and plenty of money. Some will launch an AdWords campaign and will only uncover the “right” keywords after trial and error. That is, they buy dozens or hundreds of keywords, then they analyze the data after a while to see which work and which don’t. Such research is valuable, but expensive.

A far better method would be to use a research tool for such a campaign, saving yourself money. This is easy to do if you have a research tool that spies on your competitors’ AdWords campaign (this is legitimate, by the way), and will tell you which are the money-making keywords for your competitors. You can reap the benefits of their research and then use the keywords in your own campaign, so you don’t need to waste money on that research.

It doesn’t matter how you generate traffic – either organically or through AdWords – you still need to invest in a quality keyword research tool. It saves time, money and frustration. With the proper tools, you can continue to expand your business online and dominate for your keywords.

shiva: Shiva Kumar C, founder and member of the Board of Directors for CA Infotech India Private Limited, has served as President and CEO since the division's inception in 2005. Shiva is a proven leader whose entrepreneurial spirit has led him to successfully create and sustain high level of competition and market fluctuations.